
Every successful story begins with an idea!

Likewise, every beautiful yard should start with a concept….based on what you are trying achieve.

At Creative Dreamscapes Plus, we can help. Ken will visit your property to discuss your ideas and help you envision what it could be. After an initial on site consultation with Ken and an agreement to proceed, Homeowners are asked to provide a copy of their property plat if possible. Field measurements are taken of all fixed improvements as well as trees or other plant material that will remain. Once the preliminary design is ready to present, a meeting is set to review the proposed plan. This preliminary design is usually a colored rendering in a plan view or in an elevation sketch. If all things are addressed and the homeowner has approved the results the final plan is drafted to scale.

The only thing stopping most of us from the perfect yard is vision and budget.  WE HAVE THE VISION!  The budget is up to you.  We will  work within the boundaries of the budget you bring to the table.

Take a look below to see some of the drawings:


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